100 Grant Avenue, Deal Park, NJ 07723
The Friday, March 28 evening performance of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical is cancelled due to illness in the cast. The Box Office has contacted all ticket holders via email to reschedule tickets for a future performance.
Members of the Honorary Committee
James Aaron
Executive Committee, APAC
Christian Berner
Commercial Director, Zurich Opernhaus, Zürich, Switzerland
Paolo Bodini
Director of the Museum of the Violin, Cremona, Italy
Anton Coppola
Conductor, Composer, Metro-Lyric Opera
Donald and Jeanne Epstein
JCC Jersey Shore
Ruth Hyman
namesake of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Monmouth County
John G. Maisey
Herbert and Evelyn Axelrod Research Chair in Vertebrate Paleontology,
at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY
Vaune Peck
Director for the Center of the Arts, Monmouth University, Long Branch, NJ
Fabio Luisi
Musical Director, Zürich Opernhaus, Zürich, Switzerland
Gary Graffman
Emeritus Director, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia
John K. Lloyd
President and CEO, Meridian Health, Neptune, NJ
Dr. Victor Parsonnet
Emeritus Chairman, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Newark, NJ
Alexander Pereira
CEO and Artistic Director, Teatro alla Scala, Milan, Italy
Victor Springer
Emeritus Curator of Fishes, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C.
Gary Sturm
Curator Emeritus, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Arthur A. Topilow, M.D.
FACP Director, Axelrod Cancer Research Program,
Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJ
Judy Topilow, M.D.
Sheldon Vogel, Honorary Gala Chair, APAC